Unique Wedding Gift Ideas

Wedding Gift

Have you ever wondered what some creative and unique gift ideas might be for your wedding? Are you in a position where you have most of your basic living items already? If that’s you, then these few ideas could a great help too in coming up with a perfect plan for your wedding.


One thing that many couples over look is the opportunity to give to some of their favorite charities as a part of their wedding gift. For some couples, they already have a blender, glass ware, and all their basic needs so they wonder what they could really ask for. Consider trying to meet the basic needs of someone else or an organization that is close to your heart.

Custom Artwork

How cool would it be to have a custom piece of art created for you and your spouse? This could be a great addition to your home that comes with a lot of sentimental value. It could be a portrait of you two or a canvas painting of something representing your marriage. There are many options so you get to be creative!


Do you need any house work? Maybe your car needs to be worked on? There any guests who have these skills that would be willing to offer them as their gift to you. Take some time and make a list of some of the skills or talents that your friends and family have. Then match them to any needs you might have. You never know, one of your guests could end up being a tremendous help to you!

Honeymoon Fund

A honeymoon fund is a great idea for your guests to contribute to. Some people choose to create a “funding” page where guests can donate to this “cause”. Others choose to make or buy some kind of jar or container where guests can provide cash the day off and everyone else gets to see how much it fills up. Who knows, you could end up going on your honeymoon for free!


One of the coolest times to get gifts that are fully customized for you and your spouse is your wedding. There are many companies out there that provide an abundance of different things you could choose from. Some of the most popular items include personally engraved wine glasses, picture frames or coffee mugs. One of the most unique and personalized items we’ve seen was a photo print called “the intersection of love”. It was a photo print that had an intersection road sign but instead of street names, it has you and your spouse’s names on them! How cool!

Big Ticket Items

One thing that couples sometimes feel bad asking for is “big ticket items”. Maybe there is a large piece of furniture they need or some things along these lines. Many couples fear to ask for such an item knowing that is probably too expensive for most of their guests. There is no need to fear because, with a little organization, many people can chip in to make this possible for you and your spouse. One solution to this is to register this “big ticket item” at a store that allows for people to make payments towards it. These payments add up to help you pay for the entire piece you are wanting. If the item is at a store that does not have these capabilities, often you can let someone close in your family know and they can organize with other family members to make this purchase happen as they pool their money together.

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